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Tchaikovsky 150 Birthday Gala in Leningrad

Jaewook Ahn 2018. 5. 27. 14:36







  1. Introduction
      Eugene onegin: Waltz
  2. Polonaise
  3. Serenade Melancolique, Op.26
  4. Valse scherzo, Op.34
      Itzhak Perman, violin
  5. Concerto No.1, Op.23:
      III. Allegro con fuoco
           Boris Berezovsky, piano
     Chansons francaise, Op.65, for Voice and Piano:
  6. No.1 - Serenade
  7. No.2 - Deception
  8. No.6 - Rondel
      Jessye Norman, soprano
      Evgeni Shenderovich, piano
  9. Symphony No.,6 "Pathique" III. Allegro molto vivace
10. Variations on a Rococo Theme Op.33
       Yo--Yo Ma, cello
11. Jeanne d'Arc (La Pucelle d'Orleans)
      "Adieu forets"
      Jessye Norman, soprano
12. 1812 Overture, Op.49








Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra
and Leningrad Military Orchestra
Yuri Temirkanov, conductor

Copied from RCA VICTOR Laser Disc